Saturday, November 29, 2008

Um hi

So yeah. I haven't been updating. I'd like to say lots has been going on and really the only change is since the Mr. got a new job (yeah!) I moved my work desk 45 miles north (a good thing). Which means we now have an hour commute in the hour and anywhere from an hour to well more in the evening. So what does this mean. Um when our lease is up early next year we get to move again :). Wo hoo.

Right now we're just enjoying the 4 day weekend. Lots of food, good friends. Of course I realized that this weekend is our last free weekend until the weekend before Christmas. I'm so not ready.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

So those airplane rides (aka DFW and Paris day 1)

Spent a week in Plano visiting Mr. Red's fam and for a very fun wedding. My first comment - who knew the wife of the best man was so much work? It was so much fun hanging out getting Snoopykiss married off.

When we got home way too early/late (o'dark thirty) there was a package for Mr. Red. The almost dream job was waiting! Congrats.

Home for 36ish hours. Just enough time to run into the office for a few hours, cull the email, pick up my loaner work laptop and being doing seriously loads of laundry. The morning of my flight I had a naturpath appt where I got ear tacks to help with my whole anxiety which was so very much on high. This was my first time flying out of N. America, factor in the fact I don't speak french, nor was my translator going with me (boo!) so naturally I was nervous.

The flight over was amazingly long. Too bad I don't sleep very well. But let me tell you flying business class on Air France. My lord is that nice. We arrived Saturday morning, and by the time we'd met up with everyone arriving that day, we headed into Paris.

It's everything I thought it would be: playing touristfor a day and a half . More to come...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Book Binge

Dammit - retying this.

So with the pending long airplane rides I have coming up in the next 3 weeks I hit the bookstore. Which is silly considering Mr. Red has a whole shelf of books he thinks I'd like. He hasn't been wrong yet but I wanted one particular book we haven't been able to find: Mary Doria Russell's Children of God. I read the 1st book The Sparrow on my last trip in June and have been sort of searching for it. I also picked up A Thread of Grace because it was on the sale rack. I'm pretty sure Children of God will be consumed this weekend. Yeah I don't read I consume. I'm pretty impressed I've put it down despite the fact I'm loving it. I"m one of those readers who tends to do nothing else but read when I find a good book.

I also picked up two other books: Martin Millar's The Good Fairies of New York and Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.

I'm hopeful these 4 books can keep me entertained on the 5+ hour flight DFW and back, then the following 9+ hour flight to Paris and back.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A party and well that's odd

We had a party for a friend of ours, combined it for her, and inviting a mess of her friends, our friends, Mr. Reds and coworkers. It was no where near the size we used to have in Portland but it was nice to finally be social hosts again.

Best part is we have a ton of left overs :).

Only thing I've discovered is my new orthotics, made my middle toes (right foot) be numb/dull. This was after standing for hours upon hours. I thought it was due to the pad pushing up in the toe box, but I thought I fixed that on friday. Bad thing is that even after sleeping on it my toe still feels wonky. Going to change shoes then go back into the podiatrist. Ain't life grand.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

One of those moments

One of the things I remember vividly about my childhood is my grandfather pulling jokes on me. To this day the plural of sheep is sheps. I was not a gullible child but there was and still is a twinkle in his eye that ends up getting me.

He also loved airplanes. I can remember sitting with him and flipping thru airplanes books with him.

This weekend we went to the McCord Airshow. I finally got to see the Thunderbirds. As well as seeing a F-18 break the sound barrier. Like I saw it happen, shock wave and everything. I can't express how cool it was.

I've known for a while that the love of airplanes my grandfather has wore off on me. But sitting under the tail of a refueling tanker Mr. Red makes some smart crack and I just stopped looked at him and said - "Stop that - you're turning into my grandfather!" The twinkle in his eye makes me cautious. But man I love him.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Reason #36 why cleaning is not my idea of fun

So in getting ready for our shin-dig at the end of July - we're tackling the remaining boxes. It's not bad actually - but we're wanting to attempt to not leave all the cleaning/prep until the week before. Wish us luck.

Anyway while putting books away I backed into a corner then rediscovered why dust bunnies (ehem cat hair), wood floor and wearing socks is a bad idea. Thankfully I managed to catch myself before I had a really ugly (ie funny) but my arm/shoulder and right hip are tweaked from catching myself.

Good thing I went to the chiropractor earlier today. Go me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Well now I'm dumbfounded

The bike short/skirt combination I reordered arrived today. See based on my measurements I should be between two sizes. I'd originally ordered the larger because well that's what you do. It was huge. Reordered the smaller and it was wasn't as tight as it needed to be. Actually for anything but biking gear I'd say it fit perfectly, well except the skirt still had 2-3" of play in it, but the bike shorts part weren't tight but fit.

So we're going a size down. Again.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Discovering Art

I don't really remember the moment when I became aware of ART around me. It wasn't really until about 5-6 years ago that the collections of friends I'd gathered started opening my eyes to the world around me. How ART is all around me in everything. How it's fleeting and dependent of factors that it can't quite control. How now I'm settling in to what suits my eye, my ears and sensations.

Which got me thinking this weekend in many ways my family didn't do ART. Museums weren't our thing. Our walls were covered with run of the mill mass produced items, flanked by pictures of the family. Nothing with craft. Nothing with weight. Nothing that would catch the light and make you hold your breath by the beauty of it. The only exception were my aunt's paintings in my grandmothers house.

We found a home for the stained glass Mr Red's family gave us for our wedding. It's a stain glass representation of the artwork from our invitation. It's been in storage since we moved out of the Portland house. And now it's sitting in the kitchen window catching the afternoon sun. I see it and it transports me to the moments that bound Mr. Red and I. Is it ART - it's more craft, but it's beautiful and amazing.

I'm also missing the prints and what not we've collected over the years. Some of them are 1950's dress pattern advertisements that amuse me for there contradiction to who I am. There is the bunny-wave print we have rolled up waiting to frame. Of course my new favorite way to ART shop is etsy. I'm adding things to my favorite list so I can go back and add to our collection.

The best part of all of this is months ago I'd found a painting that was simply perfect for us but it sold out before I'd confirmed with Mr. Red. Then the artist went on holiday. Yesterday I followed up and found out she was back and producing. Instead of a 4" X 8" single panel she'd progressed in to compilation of two 4" by 8" panels, that she'd customize for us. I'm so excited as its the perfect birthday (yes late) gift for Mr. Red. Best part - no framing required.

I now understand even more the grip ART can have on you. How once bitten it seeps into you. How personal ART is to the artist and to the owner. How finding just the right thing for someone can take a lifetime, a moment or nothing.

Yard work sucks

Now I love playing in the dirt. I don't like mowing the lawn or the requisite care it takes to have a pristine swatch of green grass. Thankfully Mr. Red mows but I'm out there edging and atempting to rid the yard of big icky weeds.

But with the on-slaught of rain we've had all the weeds are huge, but my poor little garden plans are still the same size. Grow dammit.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

5.7 miles and I didn't die

We went for a bike ride today. Mostly to fine tune our bikes to us. I'm still trying to learn how to clip in. I can do it accidently - which yes included me tumbling over because a half second before I stopped I didn't know I'd clipped in. Over I went on my left side, knee, elbow, hand and shoulder all caught pavement. Had I'd been 2 feet to my left I'd of fallen on grass, but nope I choose my first fall on asphalt. Lee heard it but didn't see it. He had to come rescue me from under my bike. Thankfully no one was around to see me. Thank god Lee insisted I buy bike gloves. I was also in capris so I actually minimized my road rash, at least for my hands and knees - can't say that for my elbow. It's turned kinda bruised and angry.

Overall I felt good. I've got duck feet which means my heels catch on my bike, especially if I'm not clipped in. Which I haven't figured out how to do intentionally. I have noticed that my feet are happier clipped in.

I came home and actually played in the dirt. Planted more radishes and carrots as well as a few replacement seeds for corn. Something had decided digging for bugs is oh so much fun. I'm not amused. Factor in the continual rain things aren't growing much. My corn is about the same size from 3 weeks ago. Kinda sad. Poor corn.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Yeah Butcher

So I think I'm in love with our local Butcher- Doug's Quality Meats . Really cool family owned business just up the hill from us. Really good meat including smoked stuff. Great customer service. We're in there at least once every two weeks, if not more frequently. In fact I think all our meat but our sea food comes from his shop. And yeah it maybe a 15-20% increase over the grocery store but I'll gladly pay that for something local, with less additives and preservatives and most importantly way better tasting.

Today after my venture to the small local farmers market I got a text from the Mr that we were out of bacon. In our household on a Saturday morning that's a bonafide crisis in the making. We did have sausage but bacon is our go to weekend food. So I drove up the to the butcher shop. He had just made a batch of bacon patties but the smallest ready to go pack he had was 10 patties - way to much for us right now. Oh bacon patties - basically some of the left over bacon ground up with hamburger. I mentioned we didn't need 10 - he asked how many - my reply was 4 - and then went back to the freezer and bundled me up some. I know that's what he's supposed to do but then he called me sweetie and I didn't find it at all obnoxious. Which means I'm either softening with age or his demeanor was spot on because it was no way a put down.

We at the bacon patties today and it was way better than just plain hamburger.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Good for the ego...

Well I ordered some cycle shorts w/ an attached skirt. (Spandex may be my friend but I'm not going to make the world look at me in it).

Surprisingly I thought I ordered the right size for me. Wrong. It was too big. Not just a wee bit too big way to big. Now I need to go find my measuring tape instead of going off what I thought was my size.

And in something that some may consider animal cruelty we added to Cat TV. We added a bird feeder out one of the windows. So far the birds aren't convinced there is glass between them and us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I didn't die!

So today I went back in and got me some contacts. Yeah freedom from glasses. My eyes actually haven't changed much in the last two years prescription wise. Went away with contacts and was blessed with clear periphery vision. Talk about happy days.

After Mr. Red got home we went to REI to celebrate and buy me some real sunglasses. Hallelujah I can see in the sun. We also went and bought me a new saddle for my bike. See I bought it from a friend way too long ago and she's tiny and my ass is not. Happiness abounds as I can ride and my ass is only partially in pain. We came home and went on a small ride just to make sure that everything fits well. We still need to get my pedals dialed in. I'm still out of whack and yes scared to death of the foot clamps of death. Mostly my feet have a pain similar to the first dance of the night, after that they loosen up the vitamin I kicks in. Not sure how to get to that point yet but it'll happen.

Best part of the little bike ride I didn't die!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Inadvertent learning

One the obvious - I still have too many clothes.

And two: While talking to my Grandmother today she told me that Memorial day used to be called Decoration Day. Evidently families (at least in our neck of the world) would go up to the family plots and clear them off and plant flowers. Kinda cool.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Good and Bad Movies

Good - I enjoyed the new Indy.

Bad. We watched the BBC version of the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe... from 1988. Well I don't know if bad is the right word but um we'll go with really dated. Wardrobes that are best described as worse than old skool Cats. A step above High school drama. In the way you don't see cardboard, duct or gaffer tape but you know it's there.

Good thing is it actually follows the book pretty well. Way better than the Disney versions. In fact I'd say the christian imagery is more pronounced in the BBC version.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm not sure you know who I am...

So I have a work issued cell phone. It's actually pretty great.

But I get some random ass text messages..

Today's latest:

Beginning January 2009 the government will start locking all those that are mentally ILL. I started cryin when I thought about you! :( But you still have time. Run little Buddy!

Um Thanks!

Celery - why do you taste so bad

So I've been trying to keep good foods in the house for those moments when I'm hungry but have no idea what in the world to make. Keeping carrots, peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, broccoli - you know all the raw stuff. I just can't get to liking celery. I keep trying but every time I east some it's just bleah.

Now don't get me wrong - slathered in peanut butter is yummy. But I'm going for it in salads, or at least raw with homemade hummus or other nummy dips.

Celery is good for mire poix, but I'm now just going to quit trying on the whole raw front.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Productivity lady

With the heat hitting yesterday I finally got the soaker hoses all set up in the garden. Not quite sure if I like how I have the laid. I'll need to either be fine with it or redo before I lay the straw. The issue is I really need to make sure enough water gets to all the plants.

Yep I went to the feed store yesterday. They had a very cute baby goat, and baby chickens, and baby ducks and lastly baby turkeys. The cashier and I are convinced that baby animals are cute on purpose. But alas I left with only a bail of straw (hopefully it's really low seed like I asked). Why straw? It's the cheapest mulch and ground cover that I've found. A bail of it goes a long long way and at the end of the season it mulches in back to the soil.

Last night I also finally got the strawberries planted in their pots. All 18 plants of every bearing goodness. They even got some itty bitty little strawberries. Of course I'm not quite sure they're going to get enough sun where they are at.

This morning I got up, grabbed a little something to eat then went out immediately to finish planting my containers.
Pot 1: 3 basil (two mammoth, one striped pesto), Sage, Parsley,
Pot 2: 3 cilantro, two dill,
Pot 3: Oregano and Thyme

These three pots were also filled in with Heliotrope, Pansies, Million Bells, Salvia and Lobelia.

Over in the other two flower pots, more of the above flowers but geraniums and African daisies.

I've still got a quite a bit of plants left over. Guess that means another trip to the garden store. Well that's due to the fact I need some of the bigger gauge tubing for some drip irrigation to run to all the pots above. Oh and I'm out of potting soil.

Today would have been a perfect day to spray (with Vinegar) the weeds. Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So one of the things I've been pondering is how do I get back into dancing. I know repeat subject.

Then I see friends of mine traveling to various fun dancing trips. It's amazing to me how 4-5 years ago (yes that many) all my fun money went to that, well lets be honest it was was more than just fun money. And now I'm making not quite double that and I'm not traveling. Yeah our expenses have gone up but I'm noticing we're being more prudent with our funds. We're still in adjustment mode from our latest move, let alone this past year. That and we have a some sort of savings goals (home, other trips).

I also keep running into - going out having a great time, being inspired and then get walloped with some sort of issue (pneumonia, sinus infections...). It's a tiring trend and I'm not sure how to get off that treadmill.

but in the mean time I'll continue playing in the garden which is full of veggie goodness.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dig baby dig

I've been prepping my veggie/herb beds. Can we say lots of physical activity for a really out of shape RHCD = slow but fun process. Lots of breaks but it's worth it to be back in the dirt.

At this point I've taken a weed-whacker to the overgrown bed, turned about a 1/3 of it. I've still got to turn the remaining 2/3. Add the compost boost, and fertilizer. Followed by covering the whole thing with several pieces of paper, then a layer of cardboard and finally potting soil with more compost. This does several things - by layering turning and covering with paper I'm pretty much killing all the weeds/grass by blocking the sun, while adding compost back to the dirt. It's pretty cool and works really well.

I'm still on the hunt for a bale of seed free straw to act as my final layer - but that goes in after I've planted and things are sprouting. My order for tomoatoes and peppers are due any time now. Let alone planting the strawberries.

I haven't cleaned out the two other beds, one has some herbs (chives and parsley) and the 2nd has this huge rhubarb (which neither of us like). These beds also have day lilies and iris's in them. They are kind of in my way but I'm not sure if I should just pull them up or relocate them so when we leave the owners can put them back where ever they want.

And that's the thing - part of me loves living here but in all honesty I miss owning our own home. Where we can do what we want, wether it be painting, gardening, what ever. I know it's going to be at least 2-3 years before we buy again. But until then the dirt still calls.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Naked Time

Today I used Mr. Red's xmas present - spa day. But not just any old spa. A women's only spa. Had myself a body wrap. There is nothing like being painted with mud, then wrapped like a mummy to sit for 45+ minutes while you sweat. This was after 15 minutes in the hot tub, and a half hour in the salt room. Which is pretty much a big warm room, to get you started.

All of this is either naked or robed depending on where you are.

After the wrap I got what I think is my favorite massage. She went for the knots and man she was good. If she wasn't in Tacoma I'd go to her more often. She not only is great with massage her energy is great too. It reminded me that massage therapists tend to be into energy work. I left the massage completely relaxed and energized. It also reminded me I need to get my self into yoga/pilates since I have some serious stretching I need to do.

Well after the massage I then went back to the salt room for another 15 minutes, then a half hour in the hot tub. Which was capped off by a body scrub and moisturizer. It's very odd to have this tiny little asian woman rubbing you down with scrubbies. And she went to town. My skin is super soft.

The best part about this whole thing - no body issues. There were tiny little old koreans, older, younger mix of women of all shapes and sizes hanging out and enjoying the space. Just hanging out naked or in robes. I really was at ease. All in all not a bad way to spend 5+ hours.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


an hour keeping 16 4-6 graders interested in gliders - much tougher than you'd think. But what fun.

And then I made a sugaring batch. What's Sugaring well it's like waxing for your legs but you use sugar.

It makes enough for two sessions. But damn it hurts doing it yourself. But its so much cheaper than going to someone - like oh pennies on the dollar. I'm not brave enough to do my eyebrows... yet.

Tommorrow Spa Day!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The barrier has been broken

Well the pschological barrier that VanCan is really not that far away... it's just as close to Portland. After a mid-week invite to visit some friends we drove up. It took all of 4 hours including crossing the boarder and several traffic jams.

Coming home same amount of time.

And now I just need to get my voice back.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Catching up...

So yeah been a wee bit quite. Not much in the fabulousness part of the curve right now. Today I went to the garden nursery. Um yeah I spent a wee bit - In reality I should buy the plants (herbs & strawberries) after I get the garden bed up and running. But no I do it the other way. Go me. Granted now I need to find all my garden tools and then get the Mr. to help me sharpen them. They've been in storage for at least a year. Key word is find them.

In other ramblings - I had to get pissy with a school administrator about my name. I'm volunteering to teach a 6 week science session at one of the local elementry schools. It's a session on gliders and trebucets. Part of it all is getting fingerprinted - in filling out the form I was very careful to fill my new and maiden names out correctly. The admin flubbed it up and then argued with me on what my name is. I finally argued my point that if she puts it in wrong I could very likely be rejected because that is not me and not connected to any form of ID I carry. Oddest part about protecting the kidlings - they take my fingerprints but did not verify my ID. Maybe they thought since I'm doing this through work ... anyway - LOOPHOLE!

This weekend - gardening and some travel to VanCan.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I used *THAT* voice today

You know that one - the one used to calm down irrational and emotional people. I obviously can't go into the details but after the conference call three people on the call all commented on my handling of it today. Not including the several people around me who hadn't heard that voice before.

It's a voice I don't usually bring up - but it's a very effective tool I know how to use and am not afraid to use it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Circle of Life

Is sad.

Let me back up. One of the shows Tivo records for us on its own is Meerkat Manor. Tonight while killing time I happened watch one that had the dominate female die from a snake bite.

Come on. Way to make me go weepy. I don't get why they Anthropomorphize cute cuddly animals in the wild. Life happens. They have babies, sex and die. It's all pretty formulaic. And this is geared at little kids?

But yeah - Meerkats are kinda cute.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I have too many clothes.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cranky RHCD

So this morning I woke up around 3:45 AM to the lovely sounds of the Mr. snoring - loudly and on my side. Not to happy I trudged into the bathroom grabbed a drink of water and then headed back to bed. Still snoring I crawled in bed next to him. Did the shoulder "tap" that became a shove for him to sleep on his stomach where the snoring stopped. Satisfied I cuddled up under my covers to attempt to fall asleep. After 15ish minutes I moved which caused the Mr. roll back onto his side. And then the snoring began again.

Frustrated I grabbed my blanket and pillow and tried to fall asleep out on the couch. Damn it's bright out in the front room with the street lights. I did finally get back to sleep around 4:40ish.

At 5:30 the alarm went off - see I was supposed to get up so I could head up to the North facility for my all day meeting. During rush hour it's about a 1.5 hour drive or more each way. My meeting was at 8:30 am. Yes I slept past that alarm on purpose and I made it to the facility but not the conference room on time. It took me 25 minutes to walk to the building and finding my conference room (including climbing 4 flights of stairs while carrying my laptop bag - not fun). Thankfully I wasn't first and it's one of those working meetings so being on time wasn't the most important thing.

As for the meeting - bleh. It wasn't fun at all, one of those hashing through point after point.

Leaving and heading home I was noticing I was still pretty cranky. It didn't help sitting in traffic. By the time I got home I had realized: that the Mr. was in now way shape or form responsible for my less than friendly mood. I realized I was in total PMS mode.

Aren't we all lucky!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random musings

Last night I gave up and finally joined Facebook.

Spent the week in Ohio for week. Having to wake up EST while still being on PST is so not fun. Thankfully I was home on Thursday and then proceeded to get some sleep.

Yesterday we watched Southland Tales. Neither of us got it. Like not at all.

We followed up our moviefest withDarkon. Let me be clear I married a geek. A Nerd. I fully embrace my geekiness. But wow - these guys/gals have found their niche in life. I don't understand it. Not by a long shot - its so outside my experience.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I see you...

So while turning off the light in the office I spotted a very familiar fluffy orange cat sniffing the lavender.

Called to Mr. Red verifying that in fact we have two cats indoors. So I go out side and meet our neighbor. Toby the neighbor cat who came right up to me and was all lovey. Got his name from his tags.

Oh man we're the kitties not happy when I came back in.

but now on to other things unpacking, except I'm packing for a trip to Ohio. Oh not any fun place in Ohio way up north outside of Akron. Yep business.

And now I don't see you...

We put up the cafe curtains in the front room. Feeling less exposed but full of sunshine is a very nice thing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Poor birdie

So this morning Mr. Red makes the comment "is that feathers on the window?"

Let me explain - we have two huge windows in the front room. The north facing one is 10' wide by 5' high, with another east facing window that's 6' wide that meet in the corner.

Growing up we had a window that was on the 2nd floor and about the same height. Every now and then while watching TV we'd hear the thump of a bird flying into the window. Sometimes it would just bounce off and other times gravity would intervene.

So to my question to Mr. Red. Very likely.

Later that day we were heading out and I saw what I latter confirmed was a poor birdie, feet up in the yard. Gravity got him.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Well Bugger

We owe this year. Not a lot but still the tax man still cometh and taketh away.

Yeah what got us was the Mr's unemployment and us not taking taxes out. Cause two weeks after the house sold the Mr. started a job.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why yes I did have a good trip

So by happenstance the weekend after we moved (most) of our crap I headed south to go play back in Portland for the 2008 Portland Lindy Exchange.Lindy Exchange? Think 3 days of dancing 12+ hours per day (usually starting at say 7ish pm). Way back in 2003/4 I traveled to these things pretty much every 6 weeks, while dancing 3-4 nights per week. Why yes I was single and loving it.

But that was then and this is now. I'm married, even more out of shape, and even worse my dancing muse is flighty at best since moving. Portland and Seattle have such different Lindy scenes and it's been a good 2 years since I've been a consistent dancer.

This weekend was old home week. My Queen of the Nerds friend was in town to DJ for the exchange. I learned to dance to the music she spinned many years ago, most of my ipod is stuff she recommended. Needless to say dancing was not an issue when she was up. I so miss that squigly feeling after an amazing dance. That and staying with her at our mutual friends house meant we actually got quality time together too

Except that before I even had my dance shoes on I tripped/fell down a flight of stairs (3ish). It hurt like hell, well my right ankle that I spin on and my left knee in particular. Ice, elevation, arnica and vitamin I were all in use this weekend. But yes I still danced despite the pain. Good news Tuesday I checked with my Chiropractor; my ankle is mildly sprained and most likely knee is too. But even today the ugly ugly bruise is still all sorts hot and ugly. I'm back in tomorrow.

So now I'm eyeing a local Westie Swing event this Sunday. The music is hideous in all the right ways and so is the clothing. I've dabbled in it before and I think its time to check the water er music again.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

No, we didn't shred the cat.

No, we didn't shred the cat.
Originally uploaded by moofie
Getting ready to move and the cats are getting weird (er than normal.)

He started burrowing and trying to gnaw on the shredded paper and wouldn't leave.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Circle of Life

So we've been watching Planet Earth. Amazing visuals but holy crap - circle of life.

It's amazing to me what length they went too to get the shots they did. Some are visually brilliant and others very graphic. Lions, chimps and sharks pull no punches when it comes to eating. It's not for the squeamish but what a story they tell.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Poor Kitty

Today was teeth cleaning day for Charlie the cat. Which meant no food after 9 pm last night for both cats. The kitty feeder normally goes off around 6 am - which means I normally don't get woken up by hungry cats. But alas I had to turn it off so this morning Biscuit started walking all over me while meowing. He knew I was 'awake' but I was refusing to get up. After Mr. Red left Charlie even joined him.

But alas no food for them. About 10 to 8 I pulled the kitty carrier down and they both glared at me from the empty feeder. Charlie was not happy when I grabbed him and unceremoniously dumped him in the carrier. Then he got pissed. Howling and struggling you'd think I or the carrier was maiming him.

Fed Biscuit and walked out the house with kitty in tow. More howling and meowing. The 10 min drive to the vet: yep more howling and meowing. Get in the vet - silent kitty.

When the vet tech called me later - oh man was he angry. Clean bill of health, but the vet tech was telling me how anytime someone walked into the cage room you could hear him growling and how much he did not appreciate all the fuss (blood work, anesthesia etc...) earlier. He also weighs 16 lbs.

I went and picked him up around 1 because I knew getting him home would calm him down some. When the tech brought him out I could hear him growling 10 feet away. He stopped when I put my hand next to the carrier and he could smell me. But man was he pissed. Tech's comment - we normally try to brush/clean their face up but he was having none of it. That's my boy.

Drive home he meowed.

Earlier he sat down next to me and I grabbed him to love on him - oh still pissed off cat.

He's now curled up next to me purrrrrring away with biscuit on the other side of him.

I'm a mean kitty mamma.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wo hoo - fuck not again

We're moving into the Bizarro house the first weekend in March. Movers are scheduled for March 2nd. Wo hoo!.

But since Thursday I've been whallopped by something as everything I've eaten just goes right thru me. I'm really getting tired of this.

Of course I'm sitting here with both cats curled up next to me purring. Charles every now and then stretches over my keyboard pushing my hands out of the way. Or decides my fingers are tasty and licks them. Nummy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentines scorn

I find it amusing that everyone keeps reminding or poking Mr. Red about upcoming Valentines Day. For the record I think the whole day is silly. In no way, shape or form do I need a day for him to express his love or hell my love for him. We pretty much do that daily in some form or another. I know Mr. Red can do grandious expressions of love but I don't expect or demand it.

Which I find refreshing to be at this point in a relationship.

Besides the best days to go out is Feb 15th, except it's a Friday this year. Maybe we'll wait.

We'll take bizzarro

So that house from the earlier post. We found one even more better. It's bizarro - it's got a walk in fridge, wine cellar and two story smoker all in the basement. Oh and colors - crayola colors in the kitchen. Of course we loved it. So by this time next week I imagine we'll have a new place all lined up.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hope and a prayer

We just saw the most amazing home for rent. Three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, with 1 car garage and all hardwood floors with a great kitchen.

We'll find out in a week if it's ours.

Oh please oh please.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shaky cam - BAAAAADDDD

So tonight I finally made good on my promise to take the Mr to see Cloverfield. Bad idea. We ended up sitting in like the 3rd row. Bad idea. I get motion sickness and the whole movie is one big shaky cam. Anyway we had popcorn and soda. Bad idea. I made it thru to the part where the troupe makes it down into the subway station. I had to leave and I'm glad I did.

I'd of probably been okay if I could avoid coughing. But with my current status I'm still coughing. Thankfully I made it to the water fountain and snagged a drink. It really didn't help. So I locked myself in a stall and just tried to breath (but not to deeply - see the above coughing). It didn't work. Crap.

I texted the Mr and told him I was bailing and I'd pick him up later.

I tried. I really did try.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cough Cough Cough

So last night I discovered the power of Tylenol 3. I actually stopped coughing long enough for me to get 6 whole hours of sleep. Normally I'm quite happy with 6 hours. This morning I was ecstatic! After Mr. Red went to work and I moved the cats off me I fell back asleep for another 4.

Only issue was stopping coughing allowed my diaphram to ache/spasm. That was not fun. In fact that was probably the worst pain I've ever felt. Thankfully Mr. Red wasn't quite asleep and he got up to fill the hot water bottle for me to snuggle. It worked.

I'm bored out of my mind. I can only watch so much TV and movies, read so many magazines (on line included). Being even remotely physical starts the coughing fits. Hey but I started a load of laundry! Oh and actually talking to people - out of the question. I called my Dad back after he called earlier this week (I emailed him - I was sick and talking was painful), after about 5 mins of me talking then letting him talk for a few I had to get off the phone because the coughing was incessant. He certainly understood but gees.

One day I'll quit my whining. Really. Promise.

Delightfully Wrong

Not how I remember it

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Okay I'm really sick

I went in yesterday to my NP thinking I was just normal sick. Woke up this morning feeling even worse. I'm sure the lack of consistent sleep has not helped at all. I think I've gotten maybe as much as 4 hours in a row in the last few nights.

After another sleepless night from coughing, I called my regular MD to get in today. I'm glad I did.

Not only do I have a sinus infection I also have pneumonia. So bed rest for me. Antibiotics (big ones), a cough suppressant and an inhaler, plus me drinking as much water as I can. I’ll continue doing my neti pot and steaming.

But yeah remember that entry I made about allergies - well most liquid cough suppressants have alcohol in them. It gives me hives.

Walgreen’s wasn't any help – in fact they didn’t even offer to call my MD to change my prescription. Which is surprising cause they usually are very helpful. Actually had to go to Rite Aide. My script actually was for the alcohol free stuff.

So now I get to sit at home, with lots of orange cat energy. Never underestimate the power of orange cat energy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It was an error...


Greetings from

We're contacting you about the e-mail message we mistakenly sent to
you indicating that an item was purchased from your baby registry;
this message was sent to you in error. We intended to send you an
e-mail regarding your Amazon Wedding Registry, but the text of the
message was incorrect. Please watch for a message regarding your
Amazon Wedding Registry in the next day or two.

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We are looking
into this matter and we are taking steps to prevent this from
happening again.

We value your business and look forward to seeing you again soon at


Customer Service Department

Please note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only address
that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Gift Has Been Purchased from Your Amazon Baby Registry

Wait what?

That was the subject of an email I recieved today.

It included this gem:

Dear Mr. Red and RHCD (with our real names),

A Baby Registry gift will be arriving soon! We thought you might like to know that an item was recently purchased from your Baby Registry. If you can't wait to know what it is and who it's from, and want to send a thank-you note, visit your Thank-You List. All necessary details are available, including the gift-giver's address.

Congratulations and Best Wishes,
Your friends at's Baby Registry

So I checked with Mr. Red if he knew anything about it. Nope - but he did ask if there's something I needed to tell him? Um no. Even HKCB found it amusing.

I haven't found a baby registry with my name, nor the Mr's.

Just for the record this has been an ongoing theme between her and I. It's becoming one of those amusing jokes.

No I don't have anything to announce. Really.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My turn

Crap I have what Mr. Red has.

This sucks.

I'm exhausted and just woke up from a 4 hour nap. I snoozed with the cats. Actually they both snoozed on me. Yes on me - all 30ish lbs of kitty on my stomach and legs.

I want soup.

Friday, January 25, 2008

this makes me a bad wife

I'm Bored! Actually I'm avoiding be productive. I'm board dammit.

Mr. Red is on day 3 of being sick. Tuesday he came home and crashed. Wednesday he dragged his ass in to work only to come and sleep for like the next 20 of the 24 hours. I did take him to the Dr - it's a viral thing with a nasty cough. He emailed me today letting me know he was bailing work 3 ish hours early and went to bed.

I didn't go out dancing Wednesday since I had an early class the next day (I ended up rescheduling due to me having a twinge of not feeling well - and thankfully being able to take him to the dr).

I can't wait until we live closer to Seattle so I can go play with out a 40ish minute drive each way. That changes the numbers so much.

Oh yeah - they're saying snow this weekend. Oh joy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

He's in disguise

So I bring up to Mr. Red he’s breaking one of the few rules I have (and yes he’s agreed to this).

The rule is: No Transformers in the bedroom. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night and have them staring at me.

Today during dinner I made a comment about the Transformers sitting on the dresser.

Mr. Red: He’s a car, he’s in disguise.

At that point we both lost it, loudly. What am I supposed to say to that?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Three things

Etsy is evil.

I vacuumed yesterday (if you have to ask why this is important you so don't know us)

I signed up for the Portland Exchange in March.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

That makes six?

I had cavities 4, 5 and 6 filled today. (1, 2 and 3 were in mid december). These barely or not at all showed in the xrays. Well one on each side did but when the dentist went in he realized the cavities were also on the neighboring teeth. My last dentist appointment in March 07 said only I need to 'keep any eye" on two spots.

Yes my jaw hurts.

2007 in many ways was a great year. Mr. Red and I both started wonderful new jobs. It was hard in so many other ways, moving, selling our dear lovely house, starting new jobs, moving from friends and family. My body has revolted and I'm fighting er working with it to get us back to something like normal. (Was well on my way there until stomach flu).

So here's to better health in 2008.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

umm broken

Orcas Island

Ummm yeah. You'll have to zoom out a wee bit.

See what I mean.