Friday, August 8, 2008

Book Binge

Dammit - retying this.

So with the pending long airplane rides I have coming up in the next 3 weeks I hit the bookstore. Which is silly considering Mr. Red has a whole shelf of books he thinks I'd like. He hasn't been wrong yet but I wanted one particular book we haven't been able to find: Mary Doria Russell's Children of God. I read the 1st book The Sparrow on my last trip in June and have been sort of searching for it. I also picked up A Thread of Grace because it was on the sale rack. I'm pretty sure Children of God will be consumed this weekend. Yeah I don't read I consume. I'm pretty impressed I've put it down despite the fact I'm loving it. I"m one of those readers who tends to do nothing else but read when I find a good book.

I also picked up two other books: Martin Millar's The Good Fairies of New York and Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.

I'm hopeful these 4 books can keep me entertained on the 5+ hour flight DFW and back, then the following 9+ hour flight to Paris and back.


Kristin Buxton said...

I loved the Sparrow, liked Children of God a lot and loved Thread of Grace. (Her latest, Dreamers of the Day, wasn't quite as good but was still fun). Good Fairies is sitting here waiting for me to read it. And I remember really liking Pillars of the Earth. Whether that's 14 hours worth I can't say though ;)

hkcb said...

I am curious what you will think about Children of God - I go back to both of those from time to time and always like them. Plus, now I have a couple other books for my habit...err, list.