Friday, August 8, 2008

Book Binge

Dammit - retying this.

So with the pending long airplane rides I have coming up in the next 3 weeks I hit the bookstore. Which is silly considering Mr. Red has a whole shelf of books he thinks I'd like. He hasn't been wrong yet but I wanted one particular book we haven't been able to find: Mary Doria Russell's Children of God. I read the 1st book The Sparrow on my last trip in June and have been sort of searching for it. I also picked up A Thread of Grace because it was on the sale rack. I'm pretty sure Children of God will be consumed this weekend. Yeah I don't read I consume. I'm pretty impressed I've put it down despite the fact I'm loving it. I"m one of those readers who tends to do nothing else but read when I find a good book.

I also picked up two other books: Martin Millar's The Good Fairies of New York and Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.

I'm hopeful these 4 books can keep me entertained on the 5+ hour flight DFW and back, then the following 9+ hour flight to Paris and back.