Sunday, July 20, 2008

One of those moments

One of the things I remember vividly about my childhood is my grandfather pulling jokes on me. To this day the plural of sheep is sheps. I was not a gullible child but there was and still is a twinkle in his eye that ends up getting me.

He also loved airplanes. I can remember sitting with him and flipping thru airplanes books with him.

This weekend we went to the McCord Airshow. I finally got to see the Thunderbirds. As well as seeing a F-18 break the sound barrier. Like I saw it happen, shock wave and everything. I can't express how cool it was.

I've known for a while that the love of airplanes my grandfather has wore off on me. But sitting under the tail of a refueling tanker Mr. Red makes some smart crack and I just stopped looked at him and said - "Stop that - you're turning into my grandfather!" The twinkle in his eye makes me cautious. But man I love him.

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