Thursday, February 28, 2008

No, we didn't shred the cat.

No, we didn't shred the cat.
Originally uploaded by moofie
Getting ready to move and the cats are getting weird (er than normal.)

He started burrowing and trying to gnaw on the shredded paper and wouldn't leave.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Circle of Life

So we've been watching Planet Earth. Amazing visuals but holy crap - circle of life.

It's amazing to me what length they went too to get the shots they did. Some are visually brilliant and others very graphic. Lions, chimps and sharks pull no punches when it comes to eating. It's not for the squeamish but what a story they tell.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Poor Kitty

Today was teeth cleaning day for Charlie the cat. Which meant no food after 9 pm last night for both cats. The kitty feeder normally goes off around 6 am - which means I normally don't get woken up by hungry cats. But alas I had to turn it off so this morning Biscuit started walking all over me while meowing. He knew I was 'awake' but I was refusing to get up. After Mr. Red left Charlie even joined him.

But alas no food for them. About 10 to 8 I pulled the kitty carrier down and they both glared at me from the empty feeder. Charlie was not happy when I grabbed him and unceremoniously dumped him in the carrier. Then he got pissed. Howling and struggling you'd think I or the carrier was maiming him.

Fed Biscuit and walked out the house with kitty in tow. More howling and meowing. The 10 min drive to the vet: yep more howling and meowing. Get in the vet - silent kitty.

When the vet tech called me later - oh man was he angry. Clean bill of health, but the vet tech was telling me how anytime someone walked into the cage room you could hear him growling and how much he did not appreciate all the fuss (blood work, anesthesia etc...) earlier. He also weighs 16 lbs.

I went and picked him up around 1 because I knew getting him home would calm him down some. When the tech brought him out I could hear him growling 10 feet away. He stopped when I put my hand next to the carrier and he could smell me. But man was he pissed. Tech's comment - we normally try to brush/clean their face up but he was having none of it. That's my boy.

Drive home he meowed.

Earlier he sat down next to me and I grabbed him to love on him - oh still pissed off cat.

He's now curled up next to me purrrrrring away with biscuit on the other side of him.

I'm a mean kitty mamma.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wo hoo - fuck not again

We're moving into the Bizarro house the first weekend in March. Movers are scheduled for March 2nd. Wo hoo!.

But since Thursday I've been whallopped by something as everything I've eaten just goes right thru me. I'm really getting tired of this.

Of course I'm sitting here with both cats curled up next to me purring. Charles every now and then stretches over my keyboard pushing my hands out of the way. Or decides my fingers are tasty and licks them. Nummy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentines scorn

I find it amusing that everyone keeps reminding or poking Mr. Red about upcoming Valentines Day. For the record I think the whole day is silly. In no way, shape or form do I need a day for him to express his love or hell my love for him. We pretty much do that daily in some form or another. I know Mr. Red can do grandious expressions of love but I don't expect or demand it.

Which I find refreshing to be at this point in a relationship.

Besides the best days to go out is Feb 15th, except it's a Friday this year. Maybe we'll wait.

We'll take bizzarro

So that house from the earlier post. We found one even more better. It's bizarro - it's got a walk in fridge, wine cellar and two story smoker all in the basement. Oh and colors - crayola colors in the kitchen. Of course we loved it. So by this time next week I imagine we'll have a new place all lined up.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hope and a prayer

We just saw the most amazing home for rent. Three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, with 1 car garage and all hardwood floors with a great kitchen.

We'll find out in a week if it's ours.

Oh please oh please.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shaky cam - BAAAAADDDD

So tonight I finally made good on my promise to take the Mr to see Cloverfield. Bad idea. We ended up sitting in like the 3rd row. Bad idea. I get motion sickness and the whole movie is one big shaky cam. Anyway we had popcorn and soda. Bad idea. I made it thru to the part where the troupe makes it down into the subway station. I had to leave and I'm glad I did.

I'd of probably been okay if I could avoid coughing. But with my current status I'm still coughing. Thankfully I made it to the water fountain and snagged a drink. It really didn't help. So I locked myself in a stall and just tried to breath (but not to deeply - see the above coughing). It didn't work. Crap.

I texted the Mr and told him I was bailing and I'd pick him up later.

I tried. I really did try.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cough Cough Cough

So last night I discovered the power of Tylenol 3. I actually stopped coughing long enough for me to get 6 whole hours of sleep. Normally I'm quite happy with 6 hours. This morning I was ecstatic! After Mr. Red went to work and I moved the cats off me I fell back asleep for another 4.

Only issue was stopping coughing allowed my diaphram to ache/spasm. That was not fun. In fact that was probably the worst pain I've ever felt. Thankfully Mr. Red wasn't quite asleep and he got up to fill the hot water bottle for me to snuggle. It worked.

I'm bored out of my mind. I can only watch so much TV and movies, read so many magazines (on line included). Being even remotely physical starts the coughing fits. Hey but I started a load of laundry! Oh and actually talking to people - out of the question. I called my Dad back after he called earlier this week (I emailed him - I was sick and talking was painful), after about 5 mins of me talking then letting him talk for a few I had to get off the phone because the coughing was incessant. He certainly understood but gees.

One day I'll quit my whining. Really. Promise.

Delightfully Wrong

Not how I remember it