Sunday, July 27, 2008

A party and well that's odd

We had a party for a friend of ours, combined it for her, and inviting a mess of her friends, our friends, Mr. Reds and coworkers. It was no where near the size we used to have in Portland but it was nice to finally be social hosts again.

Best part is we have a ton of left overs :).

Only thing I've discovered is my new orthotics, made my middle toes (right foot) be numb/dull. This was after standing for hours upon hours. I thought it was due to the pad pushing up in the toe box, but I thought I fixed that on friday. Bad thing is that even after sleeping on it my toe still feels wonky. Going to change shoes then go back into the podiatrist. Ain't life grand.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

One of those moments

One of the things I remember vividly about my childhood is my grandfather pulling jokes on me. To this day the plural of sheep is sheps. I was not a gullible child but there was and still is a twinkle in his eye that ends up getting me.

He also loved airplanes. I can remember sitting with him and flipping thru airplanes books with him.

This weekend we went to the McCord Airshow. I finally got to see the Thunderbirds. As well as seeing a F-18 break the sound barrier. Like I saw it happen, shock wave and everything. I can't express how cool it was.

I've known for a while that the love of airplanes my grandfather has wore off on me. But sitting under the tail of a refueling tanker Mr. Red makes some smart crack and I just stopped looked at him and said - "Stop that - you're turning into my grandfather!" The twinkle in his eye makes me cautious. But man I love him.