Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Exploring we shall go

Today I emailed Mr. Red and con'ed him into getting a picnic ready for us when I got home. He made ribs. numyy nummy ribs. While this him being able to cook thing is cool we really want him to be working. Hopefully his recuriter will have some good news tomorrow.

Any we wondered over to the sound and found our way to Saltwater State Park. What is with this state for not having public beach access everywhere. So wierd. view was good, company was good, food was good. Man I love that man.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

wo hoo

Shingles. Not the type you put on roofs. No the type you get as an adult. Well let me rephrase that if you're under 50 you're not likly too (less than 10%). Except in times of stress. This is the second time in over a year I've had the joy of having shingles. I need to play the lottery dammit - (1-2% chance). Why yes I was the kid who had chicken pox several times.

Well hello stress, in addition to the not sleeping you decide to inflict me with a painful blistery rash that hits me right where my pants sit. Way to go body. Of course having new insurance I have to figure out where the nearest urgent care clinic covered is because in two months I haven't even looked for doctor. That was fun. Lets hear it for conflicting healthcare websites and befuddled operators. After an hour phone call after another an hour of trying to figure out thier websites I finally had an answer.

Good news is I'm on anti-virals again while I had the joy of explaining to the urgent care doc that why yes I'm under stress. In the past two months I've driven back and forth from PDX to SEA (150 miles each way) every weekend but one, and that one weekend we went north to a wedding. Started a new job, moved into crappy (I mean temporary) apartment until house sells and Mr. Red finds a new job, put house on market (those trips back to PDX), had Mr. Red quit his jobs to follow me. I haven't slept in on a Saturday in my own bed since 4/25.

I did this weekend. Since I left work friday I've watch movies 1-4 of Harry Potter, and Fellowship of the Ring. Tomorrow Mr. Red and I may go exploring or we just may continue the sloth fest.

I just want the shingles gone so i can do normal things like sleep with my husband dammit. He'd like it too.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hi there

Okay okay I did it.

Um now what? I suppose I'm supposed to write something pithy. Hell I'll be happy if I can just keep the spelling and grammar in check.

Here goes.

Who am I?

Married in Fall '06, 30 something chick living in the great land of Cascadia. In fact I just relocated Red (that's my working name for my husband) from Portland to Seattle area. Yes he's following me because sometimes you just get that job with all the perks that's silly not to go. So we went. Which means we're in the process of selling our lovely Portland home (dammit) and moving in to ghetto apartments while Red finds THE job so we can do another fabulous house. It's the smart move to make as buying right away doesn't make sense until we know where he's working so we can coordinate our commutes. How's that for fair?

We are also easily distracted by bright shiney objects, like say anything. We do not like cleaning. At all. We have come to the conclusion we must absolutely have someone come in and clean but the damn budget thing is in the way. Crap. So we're finishing the final touches on our Portland house.

For those of you who eventually find your way here - you may be thinking he cool he moved to follow your carreer, snork I'll just brag and say yes, he's fabulous and this is the 2nd time he's done it. The first time we we're doing the long distance thing knowing we just needed to get in the same city to test this relationship out. So yeah when his job plans fell thru in LA three days before a visit with me he visted and just didn't go home. Talk about jumping in. He's damn cool and we're damn lucky and smart to be together. That and he's hell of a cook, great in the sack and just this side of fabulous (thankfully). Okay enough about him, me dammit this is supposed to be about me.

Me - PDX native. Born here. Love it here. I'm your classic PNW crunchy, hippy dippy, liberal, meat loving, indie, buisness woman with a up and coming career. I'm the person who blends in sort of, well at least until I open my mouth. Unless it's some of my famiy, then it just doesn't pay. I'm the odd one out already I don't need to make it worse. Why yes I do have issues, my baggage is bedazzled with sparklies and the fake fur stuff. It's fabulous. I'm sure you'll here more about this as time goes by.