Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I didn't die!

So today I went back in and got me some contacts. Yeah freedom from glasses. My eyes actually haven't changed much in the last two years prescription wise. Went away with contacts and was blessed with clear periphery vision. Talk about happy days.

After Mr. Red got home we went to REI to celebrate and buy me some real sunglasses. Hallelujah I can see in the sun. We also went and bought me a new saddle for my bike. See I bought it from a friend way too long ago and she's tiny and my ass is not. Happiness abounds as I can ride and my ass is only partially in pain. We came home and went on a small ride just to make sure that everything fits well. We still need to get my pedals dialed in. I'm still out of whack and yes scared to death of the foot clamps of death. Mostly my feet have a pain similar to the first dance of the night, after that they loosen up the vitamin I kicks in. Not sure how to get to that point yet but it'll happen.

Best part of the little bike ride I didn't die!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Inadvertent learning

One the obvious - I still have too many clothes.

And two: While talking to my Grandmother today she told me that Memorial day used to be called Decoration Day. Evidently families (at least in our neck of the world) would go up to the family plots and clear them off and plant flowers. Kinda cool.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Good and Bad Movies

Good - I enjoyed the new Indy.

Bad. We watched the BBC version of the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe... from 1988. Well I don't know if bad is the right word but um we'll go with really dated. Wardrobes that are best described as worse than old skool Cats. A step above High school drama. In the way you don't see cardboard, duct or gaffer tape but you know it's there.

Good thing is it actually follows the book pretty well. Way better than the Disney versions. In fact I'd say the christian imagery is more pronounced in the BBC version.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm not sure you know who I am...

So I have a work issued cell phone. It's actually pretty great.

But I get some random ass text messages..

Today's latest:

Beginning January 2009 the government will start locking all those that are mentally ILL. I started cryin when I thought about you! :( But you still have time. Run little Buddy!

Um Thanks!

Celery - why do you taste so bad

So I've been trying to keep good foods in the house for those moments when I'm hungry but have no idea what in the world to make. Keeping carrots, peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, broccoli - you know all the raw stuff. I just can't get to liking celery. I keep trying but every time I east some it's just bleah.

Now don't get me wrong - slathered in peanut butter is yummy. But I'm going for it in salads, or at least raw with homemade hummus or other nummy dips.

Celery is good for mire poix, but I'm now just going to quit trying on the whole raw front.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Productivity lady

With the heat hitting yesterday I finally got the soaker hoses all set up in the garden. Not quite sure if I like how I have the laid. I'll need to either be fine with it or redo before I lay the straw. The issue is I really need to make sure enough water gets to all the plants.

Yep I went to the feed store yesterday. They had a very cute baby goat, and baby chickens, and baby ducks and lastly baby turkeys. The cashier and I are convinced that baby animals are cute on purpose. But alas I left with only a bail of straw (hopefully it's really low seed like I asked). Why straw? It's the cheapest mulch and ground cover that I've found. A bail of it goes a long long way and at the end of the season it mulches in back to the soil.

Last night I also finally got the strawberries planted in their pots. All 18 plants of every bearing goodness. They even got some itty bitty little strawberries. Of course I'm not quite sure they're going to get enough sun where they are at.

This morning I got up, grabbed a little something to eat then went out immediately to finish planting my containers.
Pot 1: 3 basil (two mammoth, one striped pesto), Sage, Parsley,
Pot 2: 3 cilantro, two dill,
Pot 3: Oregano and Thyme

These three pots were also filled in with Heliotrope, Pansies, Million Bells, Salvia and Lobelia.

Over in the other two flower pots, more of the above flowers but geraniums and African daisies.

I've still got a quite a bit of plants left over. Guess that means another trip to the garden store. Well that's due to the fact I need some of the bigger gauge tubing for some drip irrigation to run to all the pots above. Oh and I'm out of potting soil.

Today would have been a perfect day to spray (with Vinegar) the weeds. Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So one of the things I've been pondering is how do I get back into dancing. I know repeat subject.

Then I see friends of mine traveling to various fun dancing trips. It's amazing to me how 4-5 years ago (yes that many) all my fun money went to that, well lets be honest it was was more than just fun money. And now I'm making not quite double that and I'm not traveling. Yeah our expenses have gone up but I'm noticing we're being more prudent with our funds. We're still in adjustment mode from our latest move, let alone this past year. That and we have a some sort of savings goals (home, other trips).

I also keep running into - going out having a great time, being inspired and then get walloped with some sort of issue (pneumonia, sinus infections...). It's a tiring trend and I'm not sure how to get off that treadmill.

but in the mean time I'll continue playing in the garden which is full of veggie goodness.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dig baby dig

I've been prepping my veggie/herb beds. Can we say lots of physical activity for a really out of shape RHCD = slow but fun process. Lots of breaks but it's worth it to be back in the dirt.

At this point I've taken a weed-whacker to the overgrown bed, turned about a 1/3 of it. I've still got to turn the remaining 2/3. Add the compost boost, and fertilizer. Followed by covering the whole thing with several pieces of paper, then a layer of cardboard and finally potting soil with more compost. This does several things - by layering turning and covering with paper I'm pretty much killing all the weeds/grass by blocking the sun, while adding compost back to the dirt. It's pretty cool and works really well.

I'm still on the hunt for a bale of seed free straw to act as my final layer - but that goes in after I've planted and things are sprouting. My order for tomoatoes and peppers are due any time now. Let alone planting the strawberries.

I haven't cleaned out the two other beds, one has some herbs (chives and parsley) and the 2nd has this huge rhubarb (which neither of us like). These beds also have day lilies and iris's in them. They are kind of in my way but I'm not sure if I should just pull them up or relocate them so when we leave the owners can put them back where ever they want.

And that's the thing - part of me loves living here but in all honesty I miss owning our own home. Where we can do what we want, wether it be painting, gardening, what ever. I know it's going to be at least 2-3 years before we buy again. But until then the dirt still calls.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Naked Time

Today I used Mr. Red's xmas present - spa day. But not just any old spa. A women's only spa. Had myself a body wrap. There is nothing like being painted with mud, then wrapped like a mummy to sit for 45+ minutes while you sweat. This was after 15 minutes in the hot tub, and a half hour in the salt room. Which is pretty much a big warm room, to get you started.

All of this is either naked or robed depending on where you are.

After the wrap I got what I think is my favorite massage. She went for the knots and man she was good. If she wasn't in Tacoma I'd go to her more often. She not only is great with massage her energy is great too. It reminded me that massage therapists tend to be into energy work. I left the massage completely relaxed and energized. It also reminded me I need to get my self into yoga/pilates since I have some serious stretching I need to do.

Well after the massage I then went back to the salt room for another 15 minutes, then a half hour in the hot tub. Which was capped off by a body scrub and moisturizer. It's very odd to have this tiny little asian woman rubbing you down with scrubbies. And she went to town. My skin is super soft.

The best part about this whole thing - no body issues. There were tiny little old koreans, older, younger mix of women of all shapes and sizes hanging out and enjoying the space. Just hanging out naked or in robes. I really was at ease. All in all not a bad way to spend 5+ hours.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


an hour keeping 16 4-6 graders interested in gliders - much tougher than you'd think. But what fun.

And then I made a sugaring batch. What's Sugaring well it's like waxing for your legs but you use sugar.

It makes enough for two sessions. But damn it hurts doing it yourself. But its so much cheaper than going to someone - like oh pennies on the dollar. I'm not brave enough to do my eyebrows... yet.

Tommorrow Spa Day!